Presentations & Research

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Sakuracon 2011

Sakuracon 2011 was awesome.

We cosplayed as Howl and Sofie on Saturday.  There was an amazing concert by an all female visual kei band called Exist | Trace.  The panels were awesome.  Roland Kelts was there too.  He was promoting his new book Japanamerica.  We caught one of his presentations about the apocalytic in anime/manga.  It was an honor to see him speak.  It was one of his articles about Myazaki's concerns about the hikikomori that sparked my connection between the Kaonashi, gaki, muenbotoke.  Unfortunately I was too shy to go introduce myself...  >_<

Speaking of panels...  I presented my revised Spirited Away research today.  It was in the form of a panel called Hidden by Gods: Rediscovering Hayao Miyazaki's Spirited Away.  It was two hours long!  O_O  I thought that would be enough time.  It wasn't.  I easily could've gone on for another hour.  I was so honored that people chose to stay the whole time.  Participants had great questions.  Also, I was sad we couldn't have more of a conversation after the panel.  I'll try and post my revised slides, notes, and bibliography ASAP.  I have some video I'll try to get up soon as well.

I'm considering going to Aki-con.  If I can get the money together I'll try and present there as well.

1 comment:

  1. I loved your Spirited Away panel - so well done and such good information! By far the best panel I attended this weekend.

    (But then I'm a classical studies/art history geek ;-) High standards and almost no patience for people who read their powerpoint slides out loud ...)

    I'm considering Aki Con myself - hope to hear you speak again!
